企業管理學系 Department of Business Administration

陳錦稷 教授


陳錦稷 教授

陳錦稷 教授








專長 金融商品與機構管理  金融倫理  政府財政  經濟政策分析

電子郵件 jjc@ctbc.edu.tw


  • 中信金融管理學院間金融管理研究所所長
  • 中興大學財金系、文化大學法律系、淡江大學產經系兼任教授
  • 東南亞影響力大學(SIU)校長
  • 全球人壽獨立董事兼審計委員會召集人
  • 台灣土地開發股份有限公司獨立董事
  • 矽瑪科技股份有限公司獨立董事
  • 世紀鋼構股份有限公司獨立董事兼審計委員會召集人
  • 泰宗生物科技股份有限公司董事
  • 台灣經濟研究院顧問
  • 中華經濟研究院諮詢委員
  • 財團法人新境界文教基金會副執行長
  • 財團法人資訊工業策進會監察人
  • 中華民國全國創新創業總會會務顧問


  • 富邦金控/人壽/產險獨立董事
  • 台灣金控獨立董事/台銀人壽獨立董事暨風險管理委員會召集人
  • 亞洲航空獨立董事、秋雨印刷股份有限公司獨立董事
  • 永豐金證券董事
  • 行政院政務顧問、雲林縣政府財政局局長
  • 財政部公益彩券監理委員會委員


  1. CHEN, Jinji, and Ling-Yu Chen (2022) “The Economic Impact of Diplomatic Switches between Taiwan and China: A Difference-in-Difference Analysis”, the 4th World Congress of Taiwan Studies, (working paper)
  2. CHEN, Jinji , Hong-yu Lin, and Yi-ting Lien (2021) “Taiwan’s Shifting Role in the Global Supply Chain in the U.S.- China Trade War”, Joint U.S.-Korea Academic Studies, Korea Economic Institute of America, vol. 32, 2021, https://keia.org/publication/full-book-joint-u-s-korea-academic-studies-2021/
  3. “国際サプライチェーンの再編と台湾経済戦略の方向性”, 陳錦稷(2020), 台湾情報誌『交流』, 2020.12 No.957, https://reurl.cc/7D4kyd
  4. CHEN, Jinji (2019) “Japan, Taiwan, and the future of ‘America First’ trade policy”, public event, Brookings Institution, https://www.brookings.edu/author/jinji-chen/
  5. CHEN, Jinji (2017) “A Study of the Trump Administration’s Economic Policy and Its Impact on Taiwan’s Economy”, Wilson Center, https://www.wilsoncenter.org/person/jinji-chen
  6. Tsung-Hsun Lu* and Jinji Chen, “A study on one-day candlestick patterns in the Chinese stock market”, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. (under review)
  7. CHEN, Jinji (2018) U.S.-Taiwan Economic Relationship Under Trump Administration’s New Economic Policy, the working paper of Taiwan Study in SOAS University of London
  8. CHEN, Jinji (2017) A New Dawn? The New Realities of U.S.-Taiwan Economic and Trade Relations, The Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, https://www.wilsoncenter.org/publication/new-dawn-the-new-realities-us-taiwan-economic-and-trade-relations
  9. CHEN, Jinji (2017) “Announcement Effects on M&As Within Financial Holdings and With Third Parties” The Empirical Economics Letters.,.【EconLit】
  10. Tsung-Hsun Lu, Yi-Chi Chen and Jinji Chen (2016) “Can Opening Prices Create Value for Investors in Taiwan?” Advances in Financial Planning & Forecasting, forthcoming.【EconLit; FLI;科技部財務領域B級】
  11. Chen, Jinji, ed., New Blue Print and New Path—Taiwan’s New Economic Model Initiative (Yunchen Culture: 2016). [in Chinese]
  12. 《新藍圖新活路-台灣新經濟模式倡議》,陳錦稷 編、導讀、結論(2016),允晨文化,台北
  13. Chen, Jinji, Chien-Hung Tung and Yao-Hua Liu (2015), “Economic Democracy” in Observations of Democracy: Reflections in 2014, Young Synergy Taiwan Foundation. [in Chinese]
  14. “經濟民主”, 陳錦稷、董建宏、劉曜華(2015),《民主觀察:2014回顧》, 財團法人青平台基金會
  15. Chen, Jinji (2015), “Public Finance and the Possibility of Participartory Budgeting,” Participatory Budgeting: Our Budget, Our Decision, Young Synergy Taiwan Foundation. [in Chinese]
  16. “財政實務與參與式預算的可能”, 陳錦稷(2015),《參與式預算:咱的預算 咱來決定》, 財團法人青平台基金會
  17. Chen, Jinji and Yi-Chuan Huang (2015), “Employee Compensation Friendly Plan,” New Blueprint for Young Labor, Young Synergy Taiwan Foundation. [in Chinese]
  18. “員工薪酬友善計畫”, 陳錦稷、黃義銓(2015), 《青年勞動新藍圖》, 財團法人青平台基金會
  19. Tsung-Hsun Lu* and Jinji Chen (2013) “Candlestick Charting in the European Stock Markets” JASSA-The Finsia Journal of Applied Finance, Issue 2 2013: p.p.20-25, Financial Services Institute of Australasia【SSCI; EconLit;科技部財務領域B級】
  20. ”Candlestick Charting in the European Stock Markets”, (with Tsung-Hsun Lu), Academy of International Business (AIB)﹐” Turkey:Istanbul﹐2013/7
  21. Chen, Jinji (2013), “Financial Autonomy to Implement Local Decentralization,” Collection of Papers from Conference on Sound Local Development and Governance, Lee Teng-hui Foundation. [in Chinese]
  22. “以財政自主落實地方分權”, 陳錦稷(2013), 《健全地方發展與治理研討會論文集》, 李登輝基金會
  23. Chen, Jinji (2014), “Problems with Pension Reform: Dysfunctional Values and Weak Social Foundation,” People-Oriented Creative Public Finance, Young Synergy Taiwan Foundation. [in Chinese]
  24. “年金改革前途堪慮─價值紊亂,社會基礎薄弱”, 陳錦稷(2014),《以民為本的創造性財政》, 財團法人台灣智庫
  25. “臺中市的創造性財政主張”, 陳錦稷(2014),《以民為本的創造性財政》, 財團法人台灣智庫
  26. “民主進步黨八年執政-財政篇”, 林全、陳錦稷(2013), 《民主進步黨八年執政研討會論文集》, 新境界文教基金會
  27. “國際間主權債務危機對我國政府財政的啟示”, 蘇建榮、陳錦稷(2012), 《國家經濟發展研討會論文集》, 群策會
  28. “從「準直轄市」到直轄市—新北市升格的財政分析”, 蘇建榮、陳錦稷(2010),《地方政府治理的新局與挑戰》第8章, 台北:新臺灣國策智庫, 頁137-158
  29. “行政院版「財政收支劃分法修正草案」的缺失與建議修正方向”, 林向愷、蘇建榮、陳錦稷(2010), 《地方政府治理的新局與挑戰》第9章, 台北:新臺灣國策智庫, 頁159-188
  30. “五都升格的迷失—地方政府財政問題的再探討”, 陳錦稷(2010), 《地方政府治理的新局與挑戰》第10章, 新臺灣國策智庫, 頁189-214


  1. “陳錦稷專欄:台積電如何在美中競爭中保持平衡”, 陳錦稷(2019), 《新新聞》, https://www.storm.mg/article/1913920
  2. “名家專欄- 公營行庫金融創新…再加油”, 陳錦稷(2019), 《經濟日報》, https://udn.com/news/story/7239/4171139?from=udn-hotnews_ch2
  3. “陳錦稷專欄:中美能簽署第一階段貿易協議?”, 陳錦稷(2019), 《新新聞》, https://www.storm.mg/article/1866638
  4. “名家觀點- 當心美中科技戰的震波”, 陳錦稷(2019), 《經濟日報》, https://udn.com/news/story/7239/4171139?from=udn-hotnews_ch2
  5. “陳錦稷專欄:解決「五缺」吸引投資?舊政策思維”, 陳錦稷(2019), 《新新聞》, https://www.new7.com.tw/SNewsView.aspx?Key=google&i=TXT20190619154642S57&p=
  6. “陳錦稷專欄:中國經濟陰霾恐引爆全球金融海嘯”, 陳錦稷(2019), 《新新聞》, https://www.storm.mg/article/1644602
  7. “Comments on the 2016 Central Government General Budget Proposal”, Newsletter, Taiwan Brain Trust, 2015.10
  8. “Economic Campaign Issues in the Presidential Campaign,” Newsletter, Taiwan Brain Trust, 2011.12
  9. “Poll Trends in the Presidential Election,” Newsletter, Taiwan Brain Trust, 2011.12
  10. “Economic Issues Become the Determining Factor in the Presidential Election,” Newsletter, Taiwan Brain Trust, 2011.11
  11. “Cross-strait Trade, Global Reach, Safety, Autonomy, and WTO Principle,” Newsletter, Taiwan Brain Trust, 2011.11
  12. “Taiwan’s Tax Reforms Against the Backdrop of the Debt Crisis in Europe and America,” Newsletter, Taiwan BrainTrust, 2011.10
  13. “The Review of the 2012 Budgetary Bill of the Taiwanese Government,” Newsletter, Taiwan Brain Trust, 2011.09
  14. “Taiwan’s Fiscal Setback Mirrored by the U.S. Debt Crisis,” Newsletter, Taiwan Brain Trust, 2011.08
  15. “VISION FOR TAIWAN: NATIONAL FISCAL POLICY,” Taiwan Brain Trust, 2011.08
  16. “China Faces Hidden Concerns about Stagflation,” Newsletter, Taiwan Brain Trust, 2011.07
  17. “The Impact and Significance of the Enacted Legislation on Luxury Tax,” Newsletter, Taiwan Brain Trust, 2011.04
  18. “Redefining Central and Local Government Powers After the Birth of Taiwan’s Six Metropolises,” Newsletter, Taiwan Brain Trust, 2010.12
  19. “2011 Budget Proposal Under Review,” Newsletter, Taiwan Brain Trust, 2010.11
  20. “Tax Cuts and Rising Expenditure Deepen Fiscal Hole,” Newsletter, Taiwan Brain Trust, 2010.08
  21. “Follow-up of the Signing of ECFA,” Newsletter, Taiwan Brain Trust, 2010.06
  22. “Emerging Market Project: Thailand,” China Development Industrial Bank, 2006.12
  23. “Emerging Market Project: Vietnam,” China Development Industrial Bank, 2006.11
  24. “M&A Law and Cases,” China Development Industrial Bank, 2006.10
  25. “Financial Policy after the Conference on Sustaining Taiwan’s Economy Development,” China Development Industrial Bank, 2006.08
  26. “Emerging Market Project: India, Turkey,” China Development Industrial Bank, 2006.07
  27. “Appraisal on Financial Holding Companies under Financial Reforms,” China Development Industrial Bank, 2006.04
  28. “A Study on Corporate Alternative Minimum Tax,” China Development Industrial Bank, 2006.04

