企業管理學系 Department of Business Administration




利菊秀 教授  



專長 消費者行為、醫療經濟、保險經濟、健康經濟

email chushiu.li@ctbc.edu.tw

經 歷

  • 國立高雄科技大學風管理與保險系主任
  • 國立高雄第一科技大學風管理與保險系主任
  • 亞洲大學國企系講座教授
  • 亞洲大學管理學院代理院長
  • 亞洲大學管理學院副院長
  • 亞洲大學醫療經濟與管理研究中心主任
  • 逢甲大學經濟學系教授
  • 逢甲大學商學博士學位學程主任
  • 逢甲大學商學研究所所長
  • 日本一橋大學訪問學者
  • 衛生福利部國民年金監理會爭議審議委員
  • 衛生福利部國民年金保險精算審查小組委員
  • 觀光局審議委員
  • 行政院國家科學委員會人文處專題計畫審查委員
  • 高等教育評鑑中心系所評鑑經濟學門評鑑委員
  • Asia-Pacific Risk and Insurance Association 理事
  • 台灣風險與保險學會理事、常務理事
  • 台灣健康經濟學會理事
  • 台灣風險與保險學會理事長


  • 國立高雄科技大學獎勵特殊優秀研究人才 (2018/8/1-2024/1/31)
  • 國立高雄第一科技大學獎勵特殊優秀研究人才 (2017/8/1-2018/7/31)
  • 行政院國家科學委員會獎勵特殊優秀教學研究人員 2010-2011, 2013
  • 亞洲大學論文著作獎勵 2011-2013
  • 行政院國家科學委員會甲種獎勵 1997, 1998, 2000
  • 逢甲大學論文著作獎勵 2000-2006, 2008-2010, 一等獎(2001, 2004, 2008)


  1. Peng, Sheng-Chang and Li, Chu-Shiu*, 2024, " Bundled insurance coverage and asymmetric information: Claim patterns of automobile theft insurance in Taiwan, " Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 84: 102279. (SSCI,科技部財務領域ATier-2級期刊) 
  2. Li, Chu-Shiu, Lai, Gene, Tsendsuren, Saruultuya, Butler, Richard, Liu, Chwen-Chi, 2023, "Cognitive Abilities and Life Insurance Holdings: Evidence from 16 European Countries," The Geneva Risk and Insurance Review, 48: 110-166 (SSCI, 科技部保險精算領域A-級期刊).

  3. 利菊秀、洪至仁、彭盛昌、何雅利, 2023, "台灣產險重大疾病保險理賠之實證研究," 經濟論文, 51(3), 309–351. (TSSCI)

  4. 蘇詠晴、利菊秀*, 2022, "產險日額型保單與實支實付型保單之比較分析," 保險專刊, 38(1), 1-29.本人為通訊者

  5. Li, C. S., Hung, C. J., Peng, S. C., & Ho, Y. L., 2022 , "Impact of Gender and Age on Claim Rates of Dread Disease and Cancer Insurance Policies in Taiwan, " International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(1), 216.(SSCI)

  6. Peng, Sheng-Chang and Li, Chu-Shiu*, 2022, "Business Cycles and Automobile Insurance Claims, "Journal of Financial Studies, 30(1), 1-31. (TSSCI) 

  7. Vu, Thi-Hong-Phuong, Chu-Shiu Li*, and Chwen-Chi Liu, 2021," Effects of the Financial Crisis on Household Financial Risky Assets Holdings: Empirical Evidence from Europe," International Review of Economics and Finance, 71, 342-358. (SSCI, 科技部財務領域A-級期刊) 本人為通訊者

  8. Wu, Wei-Jin, Chu-Shiu Li*, and Sheng-Chang Peng, 2020," The Relationships between Vehicle Characteristics and Automobile Accidents," Risk Management and Insurance Review, 23(4), 331-377. (SCI, 科技部保險精算領域B+期刊) 本人為通訊者

  9. 彭盛昌、利菊秀*、劉純之, 2019, "台灣汽車保險風險分類之實證分析," 經濟論文, 47(2), 297-338. (TSSCI)本人為通訊者

  10. Tsendsuren, Saruultuya, Chu-Shiu Li*, Sheng-Chang Peng, and Wing-Keung Wong, 2018, " The Effects of Health Status on Life Insurance Holdings in 16 European Countries," Sustainability, 10(10), 3454 (SSCI) 本人為通訊者

  11. Ho, Ya-Lee, Chu-Shiu Li*, Chwen-Chi Liu, Che-Chen Lin, Chih-Jen Hung, Chia-Hung Kao, 2018, Disability benefits as an incentive for hysterectomy: Uterine fibroid patients in Taiwan. Women & Health, 58(8), 866-883. (SSCI) 本人為通訊者

  12. Li, Chu-Shiu, Chwen-Chi Liu, Yue-Hua Zhang, 2017, Determinants of agricultural household demand for insurance in China from 2004 to 2007. China Agricultural Economic Review, 9(4), 660-667. (SSCI) 

  13. Tsendsuren, Saruultuya, Chu-Shiu Li*, and Chwen-Chi Liu, 2016, "Incidence and Risk Factors for Stroke Among 14 European Countries," The International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 84(1), 66-87. (SSCI) 本人為通訊者

  14. Li, Chu-Shiu, June Han Lee, Ly-Yun Chang, Chwen-Chi Liu, Chi Pang Wen,…2016 , "Physical activity to overcome the adversity of widowhood," Medicine, 95:32 (e4413), 2016-06. (SCI)

  15. Peng, Sheng-Chang, Chu-Shiu Li, and Chwen-Chi Liu, 2016, "Deregulation, Pricing Strategies, and Claim Behavior in Taiwan Automobile Insurance Market." Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 52 (4) 869-885. (SSCI) 

  16. Li, Chu-Shiu, Chwen-Chi Liu, MK Tsai, YP Tai, J Wai, CK Tsao, CP Wen, 2015, "Motivating Patients to Exercise: Translating High Blood Pressure into Equivalent Risk of Inactivity," Journal of Hypertension , 33(2):287-293. (SCI)

  17. Ho, Ya-Lee, Hung, Chih-Jen, Lin, Che-Chen, Liu, Chwen-Chi, Li*, Chu-Shiu, Kao, Chia-Hung, 2015, "The Association between Occupational Characteristics and Hysterectomies for Treating Uterine Fibroids in Taiwan," Women & Health, 55(1):77-89. (SSCI) 本人為通訊者 

  18. 彭盛昌、利菊秀*、劉純之, 2014, "替代品還是互補品?汽車車體損失險與任意汽車第三人責任險的關係探究 任意汽車第三人責任險的關係探究," 經濟論文 , 42(24),145–172. (TSSCI) 

  19. Zhang, Yue-hua, Chu-Shiu Li*, Chwen-Chi Liu and Kevin Z. Chen, 2013, "Prevention of Losses for Hog Farmers in China: Insurance, On-farm Biosecurity Practices, and Vaccination" Research in Veterinary Science. 95: 819-824 (SCI). 

  20. Zhang, Yue-hua, Chu-Shiu Li*, Chwen-Chi Liu and Sheng-Chang Peng, 2013, “The Impact of Health on Work in China: A Study Using Pilot Survey Data, Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance Issues and Practice, 38: 857-870. (SSCI).

  21. Cheng, Cheng-Feng, Chang, Man-Ling, and Li, Chu-Shiu, 2013, "Configural Paths to Successful Product Innovation," Journal of Business Research, 12: 2561-2573. (SSCI).

  22. Li, Chu-Shiu, Chwen-Chi Liu, and Sheng-Chang Peng, 2013,"Expiration Dates in Automobile Insurance Contracts: The Curious Case of Last Policy Month Claims in Taiwan," The Geneva Risk and Insurance Review, 38(1):23-47. (SSCI).

  23. Li, Chu-Shiu, Chwen-Chi Liu, Yu-Chen Kuo and Chen-Sheng Yang, 2013, “Health Insurance Provision and Labor Contracts for Small Firms,” Small Business Economics, 40(2): 325-334. (SSCI).

  24. Li, Chu-Shiu, Chwen-Chi Liu, and Sheng-Chang Peng, 2013, “Bundled Automobile Insurance Coverage and Accidents,” Accident Analysis and Prevention, 50: 64-72. (SSCI)

  25. Kuan, Tsung-Han, Chu-Shiu Li*, and Chwen-Chi Liu, 2012, "Corporate Governance and Cash Holdings: A Quantile Regression Approach," International Review of Economics and Finance, 24: 303-314. (SSCI, IF= 0.927, Finance: 39/86)

  26. Liu, Chin-Ming, Chu-Shiu Li*, Chwen-Chi Liu, and Chu-Chin Tu, 2012, "Determinants of Psychogeriatric Inpatient Length of Stay and Direct Medical Costs: A Six-Year Longitudinal Study Using a National Database in Taiwan," Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 66: 423-431. (SCI) 

  27. Li, Chu-Shiu, Chih Hao Lin, Chwen-Chi Liu, and Arch G. Woodside, 2012, "Dynamic Pricing in Regulated Insurance Markets with Heterogeneous Insurers: Strategies Nice versus Nasty for Customers, " Journal of Business Research, 65: 968-976. (SSCI)

  28. Liu, Chin-Ming, Chu-Shiu Li, Chwen-Chi Liu, and Chu-Chin Tu, 2011, “Length of Stay and Direct Medical Costs for Psychogeriatric Inpatients in Taiwan,” Taiwanese Journal of Psychiatry, 25(4): 248-260. (TSSCI)

  29. Kuan, Tsung-Han, Chu-Shiu Li*, and Shin-Herng Chu, 2011, “Cash holdings and corporate governance in family-controlled firms,” Journal of Business Research, 64: 757-764. (SSCI) 

  30. Tu, Chu-Chin, Chu-Shiu Li, Chin-Ming Liu, and Chwen-Chi Liu, 2011, “Comparative Usage of Biomedicine and Chinese Medicine in Taiwan---Using National Health Insurance Research Database,” Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 17(4): 339-346. (SCI)

  31. Li, Chu-Shiu and Sheng-Chang Peng, 2011, “Can Auto Liability Insurance Purchases Signal Risk Attitude?” International Journal of Business and Economics, 10(2): 159-164. (Econlit)

  32. 利菊秀、林志豪、劉純之, 2010, “風險分類與道德風險—汔車保險未限定駕駛人保單的損失評估”, 經濟論文, 38/4, 619-659. (TSSCI)

  33. Li, Chu-Shiu, Chih Hao Lin, and Chwen-Chi Liu, Emilio Venezian, 2010, “Pricing Effectiveness and Regulation: An Examination of Premium Rating in Taiwan Automobile Insurance,” Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance Issues and Practice, 35: s68-s81. (SSCI, 科技部保險精算領域B+期刊)

  34. Li, Chu-Shiu, Chwen-Chi Liu, and Chen-Sheng Yang, 2010, “Tax Deductions for Losses and Equilibrium in Competitive Insurance Markets,” Atlantic Economic Journal, 38(1): 51-63. (Econlit)

  35. Ho, Shu-Hsi, Chu-Shiu Li, and Chwen-Chi Liu, 2009, “The Influence of Chronic Disease, Physical Function, and Lifestyle on Health Transition among the Middle-Aged and Older Persons in Taiwan,” Journal of Nursing Research, 17(2):136-143. (TSSCI)

  36. 利菊秀、彭盛昌、劉純之, 2008, “汽車保險不明車損的誘發性理賠---台灣的實證分析”, 經濟論文, 36(3): 249-275. (TSSCI) 

  37. 利菊秀、楊振昇、劉純之, 2008, “風險趨避與獨占保險市場的均衡分析”, 臺大管理論叢, 18(2): 259-278. (TSSCI)

  38. Li, Chu-Shiu, Chwen-Chi Liu, and Jason Yeh, 2007, "The Incentive Effects of Increasing Per-Claim Deductible Contracts in Automobile Insurance," Journal of Risk and Insurance, 2007, 74(2): 441-459.(SSCI) 

  39. Li, Chu-Shiu, 2005, "Risk Signaling in the Health Market,” International Journal of Business and Economics, 4(1): 45-52. (Econlit)

  40. Li, Chu-Shiu, Chwen-Chi Liu, and Jason Yeh, 2004, "The Inconsistency between Asymmetric Information Theory and Empirical Evidence in Insurance Markets,” Insurance Monograph, 20(2): 99-112.

  41. Li, Chu-Shiu and Chi-Ping Yu, 2002, "An Analysis of Deposit Ratio of Medical Saving Account in National Health Insurance System," Insurance Monograph, 18(2): 130-143.

  42. Li, Chu-Shiu and Chwen-Chi Liu, 2003, "On Compulsory Per-Claim Deductibles in Automobile Insurance," The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance Theory, 28: 25-32. (SSCI)

  43. Li, Chu-Shiu, Chwen-Chi Liu, and T. S. Yang, 2002, "A Welfare Analysis of Loss Deduction and Insurance Premium Deduction Policies," Journal of Risk Management, 4: 45-59.

  44. Li, Chu-Shiu and Chwen-Chi Liu, 2001, "Self-Insurance, Self-Protection, and the Regulation of Minimum Insurance," Global Business & Economics Review - Anthology, 323-333.

  45. Li, Chu-Shiu, 2000, ”Information Costs and Health Insurance Contracts,” The Journal of Risk and Insurance, 67(2): 235-247. (SSCI)

  46. Li, Chu-Shiu and Chwen-Chi Liu, 1999, "Medical Savings Accounts – the Development of Theory and Policy," Journal of Risk Management, (1): 1-12. 

  1. 研討會論文
  1. Lee, Yung Chuan and Li, Chu-Shiu, “CEO Age, CEO Tenure, and Corporate Cash Holdings: Evidence from Listed Firms in Taiwan” 台灣風險與保險學會(TRIA)國際研討會, 2023年12月9日, 嘉義大學, 嘉義.
  2. Peng , Sheng-Chang and Li, Chu-Shiu, “Bundled Insurance Coverage and Asymmetric Information: Claim Patterns of Automobile Theft Insurance in Taiwan” 台灣風險與保險學會(TRIA)國際研討會, 2022年12月17日, 靜宜大學,台中.
  3. Chu, Hsun , Li, Chu-Shiu, Peng , Sheng-Chang , Tsendsuren, Saruultuya, “Risk Aversion, Life Insurance Holding, and Risky Asset Investment European Households” Paper presented at Risk and Insurance Association (ARIA) 2022 Annual Conference, July 31-Aug 3, Long Beach, USA.
  4. 利菊秀、洪至仁、彭盛昌、何雅利, “台灣產險重大疾病保險理賠之實證研究,” 台灣風險與保險學會(TRIA)國際研討會, 2020年12月19日, 逢甲大學, 台中.
  5. Vu, Thi Hong Phuong, Li, Chu-Shiu, and Liu, Chwen-Chi “Effects of the Financial Crisis on Household Financial Risky Assets Holdings: Empirical Evidence from European Countries” Paper presented at 23Asia-Pacific Risk and Insurance Association (APRIA) 2019 Annual Conference, July 28-31, Seoul, South Korea.
  6. Wu, Wei-Jin, Li, Chu-Shiu, and Peng , Sheng-Chang “Relationships Between Vehicle Characteristics and Automobile Physical Damage Insurance Claims” Paper presented at 22Asia-Pacific Risk and Insurance Association (APRIA) 2018 Annual Conference, July 29-August 1, Singapore.
  7. Tsendsuren, Saruultuya, Li, Chu-Shiu, Chwen-Chi Liu “Risk Preference and Household Portfolio Choice” Paper presented at 21Asia-Pacific Risk and Insurance Association (APRIA) 2017 Annual Conference, July 30-August 2, Poland.
  8. Li, Chu-Shiu, Saruultuya Tsendsuren, Chwen-Chi Liu, and Gene Lai “The Impact of Cognitive Abilities on the Life Insurance Purchase: A Study Using SHARE Data” Paper presented at43th Seminar of the European Group of Risk and Insurance Economists (EGRIE) 2016 Annual Conference, September 18-20, Cyprus.
  9. Peng , Sheng-Chang, Chu-Shiu, Li, and Chwen-Chi Liu, " Deregulation, Pricing Strategies, and Claim behavior in Taiwan Automobile Insurance Market " World Risk and Insurance Economics Congress (WRIEC), August 2-6, Munich, Germany, 2015.
  10. Li, Chu-Shiu, Saruultuya Tsendsuren, Yue-hua Zhang, and Chwen-Chi Liu, “Cognition and Private Medical Insurance Purchasing among Older Adults in China” Paper presented at Asia-Pacific Risk and Insurance Association (APRIA)  2014 Annual Conference, July 27-30, Moscow, Russia.
  11. Li, Chu-Shiu, Chwen-Chi Liu, and Sheng-Chang Peng,"Risk Classification, Rating Innovation, and Self Selection in Automobile Insurance Market "39th Seminar of the European Group of Risk and Insurance Economists (EGRIE), September 17-19, Palma, Spain, 2012.
  12. Zhang, Yue-hua, Chu-Shiu Li, and Chwen-Chi Liu, “The Impact of Health on Work, Sick Days, and Retirement in China,” Paper presented at the 73rd International Atlantic Economic Conference, 28-31 March 2012, Istanbul, Turkey.
  13. Zhang, Yue-hua, Chu-Shiu Li, and Chwen-Chi Liu, “Self-perceived Health Status, Health Care Utilization and Demand for Health Insurance in China --- A Study Using Pilot Survey Data,” Paper presented at APRIA 2011 Annual Conference, July 31- Aug. 3, Tokyo, Japan.
  14. Zhang, Yue-hua, Chu-Shiu Li, and Chwen-Chi Liu, “Ex-post Moral Hazard and Crop Insurance: A Case Study in China,” The 2nd World Risk and Insurance Economics Congress, 25-29 July, Singapore, 2010.
  15. Zhang, Yue-hua, Chu-Shiu Li, and Chwen-Chi Liu, “Demand for Insurance among Agricultural Households in China,” The 2nd World Risk and Insurance Economics Congress, 25-29 July, Singapore, 2010.
  16. “Ex-post Moral Hazard and Crop Insurance: A Case Study in China,” (with Yue-hua Zhang and Chwen-Chi Liu), The 2nd World Risk and Insurance Economics Congress, 25-29 July, Singapore, 2010. 
  17. “Demand for Insurance among Agricultural Households in China,” (with Yue-hua Zhang and Chwen-Chi Liu), The 2nd World Risk and Insurance Economics Congress, 25-29 July, Singapore, 2010. 
  18. “Substitutes or Complements? The Interaction between Automobile Vehicle Damage Insurance and Voluntary Liability Insurance,” (with Chwen-Chi Liu, Sheng-Chang Peng, and Chen-Sheng Yang), 36th Seminar of the European Group of Risk and Insurance Economists (EGRIE), September 21-23, Bergen, Norway, 2009. 
  19. “Risk Aversion and Insurance Contracts”, (with Chwen-Chi Liu, and Chen-Sheng Yang), The 13th Asia-Pacific Risk and Insurance Association Annual Conference, July 19~22, Beijing, China, 2009. 
  20. “The Expiration Date Effects of Automobile Insurance Contracts:  Detecting Insurance Fraud in Taiwan,” (with Chwen-Chi Liu and Sheng-Chang Peng), 35th Seminar of the European Group of Risk and Insurance Economists (EGRIE), September 14-17, Toulouse, France, 2008. 
  21. “Asymmetric Information in Automobile Insurance: A New Test on General Testable Implications”, (with Chwen-Chi Liu, Chin-Ping Yu, and Emilio Venezian), The 12th Asia-Pacific Risk and Insurance Association Annual Conference, July 6~9, Sydney, Australia, 2008. 
  22. “Demand for Repeated Insurance Contracts with Uncertain Loss Probability,” (with Emilio Venezian, and Chwen-Chi Liu), American Risk and Insurance Association Annual Meeting, August 5-8, Quebec City, Canada, 2007. 
  23. "Decomposing Automobile Insurance Policy Buying Behavior - Evidence of Adverse Selection" (with Chwen-Chi Liu, and Jia-Hsing Yeh), 34th Seminar of the European Group of Risk and Insurance Economists (EGRIE), September 17-19, Cologne, Germany, 2007. 
  24. “Measuring Automobile Insurance Fraud in Taiwan,” (with Chwen-Chi Liu, and Sheng-Chang Peng), The 11th Asia-Pacific Risk and Insurance Association Annual Conference, July 22~25, Taipei, Taiwan, 2007. 
  25. “Premium Determination of Taiwan Automobile Insurance,” (with Chwen-Chi Liu, Chi-Ping Yu, and Emilio Venezian),  The 11th Asia-Pacific Risk and Insurance Association Annual Conference, July 22~25, Taipei, Taiwan, 2007. 
  26. " Risk Aversion and Advantageous Selection--- An Application of Automobile Insurance data in Taiwan," (with Chwen-Chi Liu, and Jia-Hsing Yeh),  The 10th Asia-Pacific Risk and Insurance Association Annual Conference, July 30~August 2, Tokyo, Japan, 2006. 
  27. "Socio-Economic Status, Lifestyle and Health Risk of the Elderly in Taiwan," (with Shu-His Ho, and Chwen-Chi Liu), The 10th Asia-Pacific Risk and Insurance Association Annual Conference, July 30~August 2, Tokyo, Japan, 2006. 
  28. “Health Insurance and Labor Contract,” (with Chwen-Chi Liu, and Chen-Sheng Yang), 5th International Conference on Health Economics, Management & Policy, June 5-7, Athens, Greece, 2006. 
  29. “The Incentive Effects of Increasing Per-Claim Deductible Contracts in Automobile Insurance,” (with Chwen-Chi Liu, and Jia-Hsing Yeh),World Risk and Insurance Economics Congress Inaugural Meeting, 7-11 August, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, 2005. 
  30. “Tax Deduction and Demand for Insurance with Adverse Selection,” (with Chwen-Chi Liu, and Chen-Sheng Yang), 2005 Joint Conference between Taiwan and Japan on Academic Research in Management, Kobe, Japan, June 2005. 
  31. “Automobile Insurance Policy Options, Rating System, and Risk Classification,” (with Chwen-Chi Liu, and Jia-Hsing Yeh), The 11th Joint Seminar of the European Association of Law and Economics and the Geneva Association, Berlin, Germany, June 2005. 
  32. “Automobile Insurance Contracts and Risk of Accident,” (with Chwen-Chi Liu, and Jia-Hsing Yeh), presented at The 8th Asia-Pacific Risk and Insurance Association Annual Conference, Seoul, Korea, July 2004. 
  33. "Government Role, Tax Policy, and Insurance Market," (with Chwen-Chi Liu, and Chen-Sheng Yang) presented at The 2nd International Conference of the Japan Economic Policy Association, Nagoya, Japan, November 2003. 
  34. "Tax Deduction and Demand for Insurance," (with Chwen-Chi Liu) presented at Asia-Pacific Risk and Insurance Association Meeting, Shanghai, July 2002. 
  35. "A Welfare Analysis of Medical Savings Accounts with National Health Insurance," (with Chwen-Chi Liu), presented at the Global Business and Technology Association International Meeting, Rome, Italy, June 2002. 
  36. "Self-insurance, Self-protection and the Regulation of Minimum Insurance," (with Chwen-Chi Liu), presented at the Business and Economics Society International Meeting, Paris, France, July 2001. 
  37. "Tax Deferral and the Efficiency of Private Constant Annuities," (with Chwen-Chi Liu and Hsiao-Wen Hung), presented at the 1999 Asia-Pacific Risk and Insurance Association Meeting, Hong Kong, July 1999. 
  38. "Family Income, Health Care Expenditure and Socioeconomic Inequalities in Health --- The Case of Taiwan," (with Chwen-Chi Liu) presented at the 1999 Association for Health Service Research Meeting, Chicago, August, 1999. 
  39. "The Individual‘s Behavior Toward Risk Reduction and the Requirement to Purchase Insurance," (with Chwen-Chi Liu), presented at the 1998 Asia-Pacific Risk and Insurance Association, Singapore, July 1998. 


  1. 醫師責任險與醫療機構責任險之理賠分析(NSTC 112-2410-H-992 -036 –MY2, 2023/08/01~2025/07/31) 兩年期
  2. 台灣機車險理賠之相關風險因子分析(MOST 110-2410-H-992 -012 –MY2, 2021/08/01~2023/07/31) 兩年期
  3. 台灣壽險癌症險-定期保單與終身保單之比較分析(MOST 109-2410-H-992-004 -, 2020/08/01~2021/07/31) 
  4. 產險癌症險保單的銷售通路與理賠損失之研究 (MOST 108-2410-H-992-012, 2019/08/01~2020/07/31)
  5. 任意汽車保險被保險人性別、年齡及賠案紀錄係數檢討 (保險事業發展中心, 2019/3/1~2019/8/31)
  6. 壽險需求與風險性資產投資之分析 (MOST 107-2410-H-992 -003, 2018/08/01~2019/07/31)
  7. 強制汽車責任保險年齡性別係數調整之可行性研議 (保險事業發展中心, 2018/7/1~2018/12/31)
  8. 文化差異與壽險需求及影響壽險需求變動之研究 (MOST 106-2410-H-327 -012, 2017/08/01~2018/07/31)
  9. 認知與風險趨避因素對壽險需求之影響 (MOST 104-2410-H-327 -001 -MY2, 2015/08/01~2017/07/31 ) 兩年期
  10. 運用交通及保險資料分析影響駕駛風險之因素 (保險事業發展中心, 2015/9/1 ~2016/5/31)
  11. 汽車保險的銷售與續約行為研究 (NSC 102-2410-H-327-039-MY2, 2013/08/01~2015/07/31) 兩年期
  12. 婚姻狀態是汽車保險中的風險因子嗎? ( NSC 100-2410-H-468 -023 -MY2,2011/08/01~2013/07/31 ) 兩年期
  13. 訊息不對稱下汽車保險訂價之研究 ---理論與實證 ( NSC 98-2410-H-035 -025 -MY2, 2009/08/01~2011/07/31 ) 兩年期
  14. 事故機率不確定下的多期保險契約 ( NSC 96-2416-H-035-010-MY2, 2007/08/01~2009/07/31 ) 兩年期
  15. 論工資與員工福利的抵換關係─以健康保險為例 ( NSC95-2415-H-035-006, 2006/8/1~2007/7/31 ) 
  16. 風險趨避與保險市場的逆選擇 ( NSC94-2415-H-035-002, 2005/8/1~2006/7/31) 
  17. 道德危險與汽車保險自負額之理論分析 ( NSC93-2415-H-035-002, 2004/8/1~2005/7/31 ) 
  18. 巨災、風險態度與損失分擔之研究-總計畫暨子計畫:巨災保險政策的經濟分析 ( NSC93-2625-Z-035-004, 2004/8/1~2005/7/31 ) 
  19. 基因檢定訊息與健康保險費率 ( NSC92-2415-H-035-005, 2003/8/1~2004/7/31 ) 
  20. 長期健康保險訂價方式之研究 ( NSC91-2415-H-035-003, 2002/8/1~2003/7/31 ) 
  21. 全民健保費率交叉補貼的福利分析  ( NSC90-2415-H-035-014, 2001/8/1~2002/7/31 ) 
  22. 健康保險與職業鎖定效果 ( NSC89-2415-H-035-017, 2000/8/1~2001/7/31) 
  23. 醫療儲蓄帳戶與健康保險之研究 ( NSC88-2415-H-035-010, 1999/8/1~2000/7/31) 
  24. 失業保險制度的經濟分析 ( NSC87-2415-H-035-012, 1998/8/1~1999/7/31) 
  25. 全民健康保險制度的財務分擔與效率分析 (NSC86-2415-H-035-008, 1997/8/1~1998/7/31) 

