- Che-Nan Kuo and Yu-Huei Cheng*(2019, Aug), “Folded Hypercubes with Cycles Embed-ding in Hybrid Conditionally Faulty,” IAENG International Journal of Applied Mathematics, vol. 49, no. 3, pp. 375-380. [Scopes]【First Author】
- Che-Nan Kuo and Yu-Huei Cheng* (2019, Jul). Cycles in Folded Hypercubes with Two Adjacent Faulty Vertices. Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 795, pp. 115-118. [SCI][EI]【First Author】
- Che-Nan Kuo, Lai Ching-Ming, Teh Jiashen, and Yu-Huei Cheng*(2019, Jun), “EVALUA-TION OF THE SEARCH ABILITY FOR DIFFERENT ADAPTIVE INERTIA WEIGHT OF PARTICLE SWARM OPTIMIZATIONS,” Journal of Technology, vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 55-68. [Scopes]【First Author】
- Yu-Huei Cheng, Pei-Ju Chao, and Che-Nan Kuo*(2019, May), “Mobile Robot Path Planning using a Teaching-Learning-Interactive Learning-Based Optimization,” IAENG International Journal of Computer Science, vol. 46, no. 2, pp. 199-207. [Scopes]【Corresponding Author】
- Yu-Huei Cheng, Ching-Ming Lai, Jiashen Teh, and Che-Nan Kuo*(2018, Dec), “Evolutionary Computation-Based Memetic Algorithm Against Genetic Algorithm to Improve PCR-RFLP As-say Primers of SNP Genotyping,” IEEE Acess, vol. 6, pp. 77807-77815. [SCI][EI] 【Corresponding Author】
- Yu-Huei Cheng, Jiun-Jian Liaw, and Che-Nan Kuo*(2018, Aug), “REHUNT: a reliable and open source package for restriction enzyme hunting,” BMC Bioinfomatics, vol. 19, no. 178, pp. 1-12. [SCI][EI] 【Corresponding Author】
- Che-Nan Kuo and Yu-Huei Cheng*(2017, Mar), “Cycles embedding in folded hypercubes with conditionally faulty vertices,” Discrete Applied Mathematics, vol. 220, pp. 55-59. [SCI][EI]
- Che-Nan Kuo* (2016, Dec) , “Embedding every cycle in conditionally faulty folded hypercubes,” Journal of Interconnection Networks, vol. 16, issue 3&4, pp. 165006-1~165006-10. [World Scientific] [EI]
- Yu-Huei Cheng, Che-Nan Kuo, and Ching-Ming Lai* (2016, Oct), “Effective Natural PCR-RFLP Primer Design for SNP Genotyping Using Teaching-Learning-Based Optimization With Elite Strategy,” IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NANOBIOSCIENCE, vol. 15, no. 7, pp. 657-665. [SCI][EI]
- Che-Nan Kuo* and Iain A. Stewart (2016, Feb), “Edge-pancyclicity and edge-bipancyclicity of faulty folded hypercubes,” Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 627, pp. 102-106. [SCI][EI]
- Che-Nan Kuo*(2016, Jan), “Vertex-fault-tolerant cycles embedding in 4-conditionally faulty folded hypercubes,” Discrete Applied Mathematics, vol. 205, pp. 80-85. [SCI][EI]
- Che-Nan Kuo*(2015, Dec), “Every edge lies on cycles embedding in folded hypercubes with both vertex and edge faults,” Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 1650001-1~1650001-13. [World Scientific]
- Che-Nan Kuo*(2015, Aug), “Pancyclicity and bipancyclicity of folded hypercubes with both vertex and edge faults,” Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 602, pp. 125-131. [SCI][EI]
- Che-Nan Kuo*(2015, May), “Every edge lies on cycles embedding in folded hypercubes with vertex-fault-tolerant,” Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 589, pp. 47-52. [SCI][EI]
- Che-Nan Kuo, Chia-Wei Lee, Nai-Wen Chang, and Kuang-Husn Shih* (2014, Jul), “Extended fault-tolerant bipanconnectivity and panconnectivity of folded hypercubes,” International Journal of Mobile Communications, vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 397-410. [SSCI]
- Che-Nan Kuo, Hsin-Hung Chou, Nai-Wen Chang, and Sun-Yuan Hsieh* (2013, Mar), “Fault-tolerant path embedding in folded hypercubes with both node and edge faults,” Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 475, pp. 82-91. [SCI][EI]
- 郭哲男、鄭煜輝、楊舜光(2017年04月)。摺疊式超立方體物聯網絡拓樸上探討可容錯之迴路嵌入性質。2017第十一屆資訊科技國際研討會暨第七屆台灣網路智能學會學術論壇,台中,台灣。
- Yu-Huei Cheng, Che-Nan Kuo, and Ching-Ming Lai (2016, May) , “An Improved Evolutionary Mehtod with Test in Different Crossover Rates for PCR-RFLP SNP Genotyping Primer Design,” International Conference on Nanotechnology and Biomedical Engineering-ICNBE 2016, kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
- Yu-Huei Cheng, Che-Nan Kuo, and Ching-Ming Lai (2015, Feb) , “Double Inertia Weight-Based Particle Swarm Optimization,” On Advances in Applied Science and Environmental Technology-ASET 2015, Bangkok, Thailand.
- Che-Nan Kuo (2014, Dec), “Extended cycles embedding on folded hypercubes with vertex-fault-tolerant,” International Computer Symposium ICS 2014, Tunghai University, Taichung, Taiwan.
- Yu-Huei Cheng and Che-Nan Kuo (2014, Mar), “SBCAW-PSO: A sine-based chaotic adaptive inertia weight particle swarm optimization,” Proceedings of the International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists, Hong Kong.
- 郭哲男(2013年05月)。植基於摺疊式超立方體網路拓樸架構上探討可容錯一點之雙分泛連結與泛連結性質。2013 資訊技術應用與管理研討會(Information Technolog ies, Applications and Management Conference),高雄,台灣。
Yu-Huei Cheng, Che-Nan Kuo, Ching-Ming Lai (2017, Jul). Comparison of the adaptive inertia weight PSOs based on chaotic logistic map and tent map. Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE
International Conference on Information and Automation, China.
- Project Grant for “A portable cloud long-term system with mobile medical applications- Development of expandable integrated biomedical signal extraction device”, Ministry of Science and Technology, MOST 107-2622-E-324 -002 -CC3, 201 8/0 6/01 ~ 2019 /05/31
- Project Grant for “Innovative high-throughput multi-point mutagenic primer design for genotyping single nucleotide polymorphisms”, Ministry of Science and Technology, MOST 107-2221-E-324 -020, 201 8/0 8/01 ~ 2019 /07/31,
- Project Grant for “Highly fault -tolerant cycles embedding in folded hypercube topologies”, Ministry of Science and Technology, MOST106 -2221-E-464 -001, 201 7/0 8/01 ~ 2018 /07/31
- Project Grant for “Fault-tolerant various cycles embedding in conditionally faulty folded hypercube topologies”, Ministry of Science and Technology, MOST105 -2221-E-464 -001, 201 6/0 8/01 ~ 2017 /07/31
- Project Grant for “Fault-tolerant cycles embedding on folded hypercube topologies with both vertex and edge faults”, Ministry of Science and Technology, MOST104 -2221-E-464 -001, 201 5/0 8/01 ~ 2016 /07/31
- Project Grant for “The development of improved teaching-learning-based optimization algorithm fornaturePCR-RFLP primer design in high-throughput SNP genotyping”, Ministry of Science and Technology, MOST104 -2221-E-464 -003, 201 5/0 8/01 ~ 2016 /07/31
- Project Grant for “The development of mitochondrial single nucleotide polymorphisms detection and identification algorithm for disease network associated analysis”, Ministry of Science and Technology, MOST103 -2221-E-464 -004, 201 4/0 8/01 ~ 2015 /07/31
- Project Grant for “Embedding cycles with vertex fault-tolerant and obtain every fault-free edge on folded hypercube topologies”, Ministry of Science and Technology, MOST103 -2221-E-464 -002, 201 4/0 8/01 ~ 2015 /07/31
- Project Grant for “Fault-tolerant vertex pancyclicity and panconnectivity properties embedding on folded hypercube topology”, Ministry of Science and Technology, MOST102 -2221-E-464 -002, 201 3/0 8/01 ~ 2014 /07/31